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Author Topic: Admin-Ahead DNSSEC cPanel WHM Plugin Advanced  (Read 31207 times)

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Byjo John

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Admin-Ahead DNSSEC cPanel WHM Plugin Advanced
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:47:45 am »
A-AST DNSSEC cPanel WHM Plugin from Admin-Ahead Research Labs is out ! We have seen requests for this Plugin from 2011 and since this comes under PCI Compliance, we believe this is essential to many web hosts as well as security concerned Organizations / Individuals. We know many have questions as to what DNSSEC is and its importance and since the web is crawling with this information, we better link you to the website that explains it well : ICANN WEBSITE Back to our cPanel Plugin, we have fully automated the entire DNSSEC process for anyone using cPanel WHM.

Main Features:
  • Sign/Un-sign/Re-sign a single zone.
  • SIgn/Un-sign/Re-sign multiple zones.
  • Sign/Un-sign/Re-sign all zones.
  • Automatically resigns zones when changes are detected.
  • Automatically Re-sign every zones periodically before it expires.
  • 24/7 Support from the Admin-Ahead Team via Chat and Email.
  • Support for cPanel DNS clustering.
  • Has 3 components – WHM interface plugin, tracker daemon and listener daemon.
  • Free Installation from Admin-Ahead Team.

Note – One Advanced edition license will allow you to install the WHM plugin and tracker daemon on a single server. The listener daemon is free to be downloaded and installed on as many machines as you want. However, it will not work without the tracker daemon running on at least one server in the cluster.
If you have a custom setup of DNS cluster other than what is mentioned in our KB, please open a ticket with us and we can have the setup customized for you.

Versions Released :

Version 1.0.1 released:
  • Bug fixed:- Error while creating subdomain because of INCLUDE entries of key files in a zone.Kindly note that our tests on all cPanel run servers have been a success except for VPS servers running Parallels Virtuozzo using SLM to limit memory and which has an assigned memory of less than 1 GB.
    You can read more about SLM here : SLM Parallels KB. We are working on this memory puzzle and expect a fix with the next update. The Plugin is not tested on a cluster and hence we do not suggest this plugin for anyone who uses a DNS Cluster. The Plugin best works on single dedicated servers with minimum 1G of RAM or more.

    If for any reason the signing fails, Please goto Tweak Settings => System => Max cPanel process memory ; and make this Unlimited for the key signing to function. You can revert this back once the signing is done.

Version 1.0.2 released:
  • Minor Bug fixes.

Version 1.0.1 released
  • Minor Bug fixes.
  • Improvement in management of Keys - Introduced display of KSK and ZSK Keys for every signed zones.
Version 2.1.0 released:
  • MySQL as the backend database
  • Improved Error handling
  • Extended logging
  • Remote MySQL database support
  • Minor Bug fixes

Price Per Month : 9.99 $ USD

Supported OS :
Centos 6 & 7 , RHEL 6 &7

Supported cPanel versions :

WHM 11.38 and above
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 03:58:32 am by Byjo John »
Thanks & Regards,

Byjo K. John
Customer Relation Executive
Admin-Ahead Server Technologies

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