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Author Topic: fatal: Cannot upgrade due to insufficent disk space on /usr  (Read 4442 times)

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fatal: Cannot upgrade due to insufficent disk space on /usr
« on: August 30, 2014, 11:52:39 am »
The latest upgrade to cPanel has failed due to insufficient space on the /usr partition. "Please correct these issues and rerun updates.

Code: [Select]
•fatal: Cannot upgrade due to insufficent disk space. Detected 1.56G. You will need atleast 1.6G to install a new version of cPanel".
1. Using "du" to gradually search deeper levels of directories within the "/usr" partition.

Code: [Select]
# du -ahx --max-depth=1 /usr/local
# du -ahx --max-depth=1 /usr/local/apache
# du -ahx --max-depth=1 /usr/local/apache/logs
# du -ahx --max-depth=1 /usr/local/cpanel/logs

2. Check for apache logs like error_log, access_log , suexec_log in /usr/local/apache/logs . These can either be cleared off or if you need the logs then you can take a zipped copy and keep it aside.

3. Same can be done for the files in cPanel logs (/usr/local/cpanel/logs) as well .

4. Domlogs – Get into the /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ directory. Run the following command :-

# ls -al -SR | head -10 —> It will list 10 files in the decreasing order according to their size

If the domlog file is too large for a domain then it is possible that awstats is not running . Check whether cpanellogd is running on the server using pstree . If not, restart it .
Else, it is possible that awstats for only that particular domain is not updating. Get into the directory /usr/local/cpanel/base and check if any file as ‘’ exists. If yes , delete that file.

Now, run /scripts/runweblogs for that user. It will update the awstats and automatically clear the domlogs file thereafter. Do not delete the domlogs file itself.

5. Remove old and unwanted backups of ‘apache’ that might have been taken long ago. Also, check for any other duplicate folders that can be removed safely.

6. Remove core files, if any . Normally, some core files (like core.1234) might be present in /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot . Check for these and remove them.

7. Restart the httpd service. This might free a little space some times.

Thats itt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!