You can install litespeed on a WHM/Cpanel server by simply following the bellow steps :
1.) Log into server via SSH as ‘root’ user. Go to /usr/src
cd /usr/src
2.) Download the installation file using wget. wget chmod 700
sh ( ./
rm -rf
3.) Log into WHM. Go to manage plugins section.>>Start the installation procedure by clicking on ‘
Install LiteSpeed’.
This will ask you to enter your license information and admin password. Enter this information and click on ‘Build matching PHP Binary. (Please do not tick the box to start LiteSpeed immediately).
a.) Click on ‘Switch to LiteSpeed’
b.) Click on ‘Admin Web Console’ and login
3.) Final stages of setup
4.) Go to Configuration > General > Index Files > Edit You need to set the following and save.
Index Files: index.html, index.php, index.php5, index.htm
Auto Index: Yes
Auto Index URI => /_autoindex/default.php
=============================================== In SSH Type: ln -sf /usr/local/lib/php/autoindex /usr/local/lsws/share/autoindex
5.) Go to Configuration > Log > Server Log > EditSet the following:
Log Level: Info
Debug Level: None
===============6.) Finally click on Actions > Graceful Restart to make these changes permanent.That's it.