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Author Topic: SPAM PREVENTION METHODS  (Read 4106 times)

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  • Guest
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:45:48 pm »
in our daily works we can find out different spamming case in server

To stop spams cPanel gives you lot of options such as,



3.Filters(Account Level and User Level)


The cPanel BoxTrapper allows you to activate e-mail verification for those not on your white list. This means that any mail address that is not placed on your white list will be required to send back a verification mail to ensure that they are not a spammer. This function can be quite useful in preventing automatic mailings that you do not wish to receive from reaching your inbox.


1 To access the Mail Menu, click on the icon above the word Mail on the main screen of your cPanel interface.

2 Click on BoxTrapper Spam Trap.

3 To enter the BoxTrapper menu, click on the word Manage.

4 Click on the button labelled Enable to enable the BoxTrapper.

cpanel>>boxtrapper>>manage>>review queue>>click any mail>>select action wanted

Further details about Boxtrapper refer the following Link:



Spamassasin is a software used to check email messages contents and give it a score and find it as a spam if the score is above the set limit. We can blacklist as well as whitelist the ip's so as to allow or deny the messages.

Spam score is set to 5 as default and this decides the message as spam or not as spam score become less there is more chance to detect a message as a spam. These are done based on an complex algorithm (Some parameter is checking message contents and links and comparing which is more and setting the score according to that).

If you want to allow all type of messages from a particular IP addresses then WhiteList it.

If you do not want to allow any type of messages from a particular IP addresses then BlackList it.

Further details about Spamassasin refer the following Link:



i) Account Level Filtering:

cPanel lets you filter all email sent to your domain's main email account. It is a rule that determines where email, delivered to a domain's main email account and meeting certain criteria, will be delivered.


1 Login to cPanel.

2 Mail >> Account level filtering.

3 Click Create a new Filter.

4 Type a name for the filter in the Filter Name box.

5 Select a message characteristic from the first pull-down menu.

6 Select an operator from the next pull-down menu.

7 Enter the characters or words you wish to use as a filter. (This field will accept both regular expressions and commonly used wild card entries (eg: *, ? ,etc).

8 You can add and subtract rules by clicking the + and - buttons.

9 Select an action from the pull-down menu under the Actions heading. You can add and subtract actions by clicking the + and - buttons.

10 Click Activate to initialize the filter.

ii) User Level Filtering:

cPanel lets you manage filters for each email account in your domain. This can be useful for discarding spam, redirecting mail, or piping messages to a program.


1 Login to Cpanel.

2 Mail >> User level filtering.

Follow the same steps in Account level filtering to create the user level filter.