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Author Topic: How to Install MariaDB in cPanel/WHM  (Read 15702 times)

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How to Install MariaDB in cPanel/WHM
« on: January 17, 2014, 05:44:32 pm »
MariaDB is “An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL”. Below you will find some steps on how to affectively stop cPanel/WHM from maintaining MySQL and begin utilizing MariaDB  for any and all database activity on your server but please note that,  cPanel/WHM no longer maintains MySQL on your system it is on the Systems Administrator to manage and maintain any updates and maintenance on the database software.

Step 1: Backup existing MySQL data

Make sure to save all existing data just in case there are any issues.

cp -Rf /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-old
mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf-old

## Also please take sql file of the existing databases, so that we can avoid the data lose

Step 2: Disable the targets so cPanel no longer handles MySQL updates #ONLY FOR cPanel 11.36+

The following will mark the versions of MySQL we distribute as uninstalled so they are no longer maintained by cPanel/WHM

/scripts/update_local_rpm_versions --edit target_settings.MySQL50 uninstalled
/scripts/update_local_rpm_versions --edit target_settings.MySQL51 uninstalled
/scripts/update_local_rpm_versions --edit target_settings.MySQL55 uninstalled

Step 3: Remove existing MySQL RPM’s so theres a clean slate for MariaDB

/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix --targets=MySQL50,MySQL51,MySQL55

[20130623.211100]   The following RPMs are unneeded on your system and should be uninstalled:
[20130623.211100]   MySQL55-client.5.5.31-1.cp1136
[20130623.211100]   MySQL55-devel.5.5.31-1.cp1136
[20130623.211100]   MySQL55-server.5.5.31-1.cp1136
[20130623.211100]   MySQL55-shared.5.5.31-1.cp1136
[20130623.211100]   MySQL55-test.5.5.31-1.cp1136
[20130623.211100]   Removing 0 broken rpms:
[20130623.211100]   rpm: no packages given for erase
[20130623.211100]   No new RPMS needed for install
[20130623.211100]   Uninstalling unneeded rpms: MySQL55-test MySQL55-server MySQL55-client MySQL55-shared MySQL55-devel

Step 4: Create a yum repository for MariaDB

access and select the DISTRO and place the repo content to /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

# MariaDB 5.5 CentOS repository list - created 2013-06-23 21:13 UTC
name = MariaDB
baseurl =

Step 5: install MariaDB using the  following command

yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-devel

##If you are having any dependency problem, please remove php from the /etc/yum.conf file and then run yum  command again. Please add it back to yum conf once the package is installed.

/etc/init.d/mysql start
/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Final Step: Rebuild easyapache/php to ensure modules are intact/working

/scripts/easyapache --build
