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Author Topic: How To Install MyTOP on cPanel / CentOS server  (Read 4154 times)

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How To Install MyTOP on cPanel / CentOS server
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:01:42 pm »
The main problem is that if you try to install mytop form youn install mytop it sais that you have no perl modules such as DBD::mysql and Term::ReadKey even if you go and install them trough cPanel >> Software >> Module Installers the yum dependency checker will say that you do not have them installed so:

Code: [Select]
# yum install mytop
you should get the list of needed perl modules

go to WHM and install all needed modules

Software >> Module Installers

and install all of needed modules
in my case it was DBD::mysql and Term::ReadKey

go to repoforge and get link for mytop

you should take care of your CentOS version to find out your centos version run in console
#cat /etc/redhat-release

For centos5,
Code: [Select]
#wget centos6,
Code: [Select]
#wget package with ignoring depencies.

Code: [Select]
#rpm -Uvh --nodeps mytop-1.4-2.el5.rf.noarch.rpm
If you try to run you probably will get error “Error in option spec: “long|!””

To fix this problem:

Code: [Select]
#chmod 755 /usr/bin/mytop
#vi /usr/bin/mytop

find line > “long|!” => \$config{long_nums},
and comment it with # sign > #”long|!” => \$config{long_nums},

then Run mytop

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 11:08:02 pm by lijeshk »