If you getting the error “Base class package “
Cpanel::Easy::Utils::CloudLinux” is empty” while executing EasyApacheyour cPanel Cloud linux servers, and tried executing upcp and /scripts/checkperlmodules --full --force but of no avail.
On further checking on this, you may find that the file /var/cpanel/perl/easy/Cpanel/Easy/Utils/CloudLinux.pm as empty and that's why EasyApache throwing the error “
Base class package “Cpanel::Easy::Utils::CloudLinux” is empty”.
This can be easily fixed by following the below simple steps :
root@server~[#] cd /var/cpanel/perl/easy/Cpanel/Easy/Utils
root@server~[#] mv CloudLinux.pm CloudLinux.pm-ORI
and execute the below command to re-sync the files :
root@server~[#] /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanel_easy_sanity_check
That’s all and now EasyApache working fine as expected.