If we get a exim error on cPanel like below:
Exim status is not showing correctly in WHM >> Service Status and if you get mail with the following error:
exim failed @ Tue Mar 24 22:57:24 2009. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [tcp connect]
Failure Reason: TCP Transaction Log:
<< 220-***.******.com ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:57:49 -0400 << <<
>> EHLO localhost
<< 250-***.******.com Hello localhost [] << << << << <<
>> AF9fY3BhbmVsX19zZXJ2aWNlX19hdXRoX19leGltX19sRE96V0hpWjVoS2dPakJhdld2O
>> G0xNThXXzF5Nmw1VlVLSms3U3VCTjV4ZkxyeGdwMWNyZ1ZxX0h0M3hISTNzAFc1V0p4ME
>> RZWZfNWs=
<< 535 Incorrect authentication data
exim: ** [535 Incorrect authentication data != 2]———————————-
cd /var/cpanel/serviceauth/
rm -rf exim
/etc/init.d/exim restart