DANgnix is an Nginx integration plugin for direct admin server for increasing server speed , performance and protection.
Here is the steps to install DANgnix plugin.Please make sure the following requirements are met before the installation.
- Operating System : RHEL/Centos , Debian/Ubuntu
- Control Panel : Direct Admin
- Apache version 2 or later
- PHP version 5 or later with Ioncube loader and curl
- Suhosin disabled
- safe_mod= Off
- Ioncube Load enabled
Install Direct Admin Nginx # wget
http://syslintportal.com/downloads/danginx.4.1.tar.gz# tar -xzf dangin.4.1.tar.gz
# cd danginx.4.1
# sh install.sh
Important files of danginx: To remove the Direct Admin Nginx Plugin execute the script as follows,
sh /etc/danginx/uninstall.shTo disable nginx run the script run the below script. This will disable nginx server and switch apache to port 80.
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/disablenginxTo enable a disabled nginx server run the below script, this will enable nginx on port 80.
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/enablenginxTo manually rebuild the nginx vhost configuration execute the script
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/rebuildnginxvhostTo customize nginx vhost configuration edit the below file and then rebuild vhost and restart it.
/etc/danginx/vhost.conf To include custom configuration file for a domain, place the custom include file in
/etc/danginx/custom/Then rebuild nginx vhost and restart. The syntax of custom include file must be /etc/danginx/custom/domain.com.