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Author Topic: Unable to delete TXT DNS record in Parallels Helm server  (Read 3461 times)

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Unable to delete TXT DNS record in Parallels Helm server
« on: April 22, 2014, 03:04:40 pm »
In Parallels Helm Panel, when trying to delete the TXT DNS record the page just refreshes and nothing happens.

This is caused by the incorrect GET request is created by Helm (‘+’ symbol).

Basically, delete link uses the content of the corresponding column in Helm (the last one) at the 'RecordData=' section of the URL.

E.g. The below GET link
it contains '+' symbol which is unacceptable in a URL. It should be replaced with '%2B'. So, if we substitute '+' to '%2B', we get following link:
http://Server.tld/Providers/75DFA969-9F60-4296-8A87-44D9A0AE0DF1/ domain.tld &RecordType=TXT&RecordData=%22v=DKIM1;%20k=rsa;%20t=y:s;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDYTGjBPppNA30ZemkZ5gjZg8pSuebclpzn0pSUDCYxRVwoZYSRbMVbu9wTUenLmK62Qubm3v0enX0YwNpr
After copying new link to the address bar and running, we are able to delete such record.
