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Author Topic: MySQL: got error 28 from server handler  (Read 4218 times)

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MySQL: got error 28 from server handler
« on: July 09, 2018, 01:47:01 pm »
This error means no space left on hard disk. According to official MySQL docs, “If you get his error, you need to check all filesystems where MySQL operates. It may be single filesystem or as we recommend you can have datadir, tmpdir and log files split into dedicated filesystems.”

a) Stop mysql server
Code: [Select]
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
Code: [Select]
# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
b) Check filesystem and /tmp directories:
Code: [Select]
$ df -h
$ cd /tmp
$ df -h /tmp

c) Remove files from /tmp to free up space:
Code: [Select]
# cd /tmp
# rm -rf *

d) Look into /var/log directory and remove or compress logs file.

e) Use myisamchk command to check and repair of ISAM table:
Code: [Select]
# cd /var/lib/mysql
# myisamchk

f) Increase disk space (add new hard disk or remove unwanted software(s) )

g) Start the mysql server:
Code: [Select]
# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Code: [Select]
# /etc/init.d/mysqld start