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Author Topic: FireStarter: a GUI Based Firewall for Linux  (Read 3808 times)

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FireStarter: a GUI Based Firewall for Linux
« on: February 12, 2014, 09:42:01 pm »
FireStarter is free and open source firewall which have a very good user interface. This firewall comes with a good number of features.

  • Install the FireStarter
1. On CentOS
Download the rpm package from the following link:
Once the download is completed.
Run the following command to install the FireStarter
Code: [Select]
# rpm -Uvh firestarter*rpm
2. On Debian based systems
On Debian based systems we can install FireStarter using the apt-get installer
Code: [Select]
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install  firestarter

3. Compiling from the source
Download the tar file using the wget command and untar the file.
Code: [Select]
# wget
# tar -xvf firestarter-1.0.3.tar.gz
# cd firestarter-1.0.3
# ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc
# make
# make install
  • Configuring FireStarter
We can access the firestarter from the terminal itself
Code: [Select]
# firestarterWe will get a setup wizard which will guide you through the configuration.

Select your public interface connected to internet

We can start the firewall by selecting the "Start Firewall Now" and then click on the "save" button.

We will get a new interface which have three pages
1. status
2. Policy
3. Events
    status page gives information about the firewall status, network status, events and active connections. Policy page is very important in which we add,remove or edit the rules.
Policy page contains option for Inbound policy and output policy.

Right Click under Allow Connections From Host and specify the IP, hostname or network.

By right clicking under the  Allow Service Port For we will get option for adding port and service.

That's how we can add a rule. we can remove or edit the rule from the interface itself.