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Author Topic: WordPress optimization  (Read 4286 times)

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WordPress optimization
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:09:45 am »
Here are the steps to optimize the WordPrerss domain:

1. Upgrade Wordpress to the latest stable version available. Follow this link for information on how to perform this upgrade.

2. Install and enable WP Super Cache plugin. Follow this link for information on how to setup this plugin.

3. Install and enable Better WP Security plugin to protect against brute force attempts. Follow this link for information on how to setup this plugin.

4. Enable Akismet plugin to protect against comment spam. Follow this link for information on how to setup this plugin.

5. Deactivate plug-ins you don't use, don't absolutely need or don't want. Upgrade plugins that you do need. Remove them entirely from WordPress's plugins folder (located in wp-content/plugins) after deactivating them inside WordPress itself. Outdated, or poorly written plugin are the most common reason for resource abuse issues.

6. Many themes are more CPU intensive. Due diligence should be exercised when choosing a theme.

7. Avoid plug-ins or widgets that go out and retrieve RSS feeds. These include the RSS widget and those that look for Twitter tweets. Also avoid StatPress, WPRobot3 and other auto-posters and related posts plugins such as WordPress Related Posts, YARPP, etc.

8- Make sure any plugins that you are not using are deactivated – this will prevent them from loading when your site loads.

9. Be selective in your choice of plugins. Some will have a major load on your database – ask yourself if you really need it.

10- Compress images to improve load times on your site.

Feel free to ask if you need any further assistance.