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Author Topic: What is cpanelsolr and why needed it on cPanel servers  (Read 28302 times)

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What is cpanelsolr and why needed it on cPanel servers
« on: November 03, 2018, 04:19:07 am »
cpanelsolr was introduced in cPanel version 64. cpanelsolr uses Java to index email messages managed by dovecot. cPanel describe the service as;

Code: [Select]
Fast Email Searching (IMAP Full-Text Search)
Full-Text Search Indexing (powered by Solr) provides fast search capabilities for IMAP mailboxes. Users of iOS devices, Microsoft® Outlook™, SquirrelMail, Horde, Roundcube, and Mozilla™ Thunderbird will notice significantly improved search speed and convenience.

Unless you have high email usage this service is probably not needed and there have been reports this service consumes a lot of memory. On low memory systems, you would be advised to disable cpanelsolr.

How to disable cpanelsolr
To disable cpanelsolr, we can use the service manager inside WHM to enable and disable services.

Follow the steps below to disable the cpanel-dovecot-solr service.

Code: [Select]
1) Login to WHM with the root user account
2) Select “Service Manager”
3) Once the page loads untick the two boxes next to the cpanel-dovecot-solr service.
4) Click save at the bottom of the page

This will now disable the cpanel-dovecot-solr service and you should notice your memory usage won’t be as high. It’s important to remember you should only disable this service if you are having problems with it or your system is running a low amount of memory.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 04:20:46 am by joseletk »