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Author Topic: Install and Manage Wowza Streaming Engine on your machine  (Read 10924 times)

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Install and Manage Wowza Streaming Engine on your machine
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:07:16 pm »
Wowza is a powerful, high performance and fully interactive streaming software. It supports on-demand streaming, live streaming from handy devices, chat and remote recording. The end user can stream the videos on different players using different protocols; Adobe Flash RTMP (RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPTE, RTMPS), Adobe AIR developed applications, HDS-compatible players, Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Players, MPEG-DASH, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, RTSP/RTP, MPEG2 Transport Protocol (MPEG-TS) are supported.

For more details, visit :

Wowza Streaming Engine gives you the freedom to deploy on the OS of your choice – Windows, all variants of Linux, Unix, Solaris and Mac OSX. It is very easy to install and manage the engine because of its user friendly environment.

The current version is Wowza Streaming Engine 4.1.1, build 13180, released on December 2, 2014. In order to install the Engine on your server, you must have a license key and a installer file.

For a license key, either you can buy the product from Wowza's official website ( or you can go for a free trial license key (

After you opt the key, download the installer file from the Website.

Installer file for Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix operating systems can be downloaded from "" for free.

Now, prepare your server to deploy the Engine.

Wowza Streaming Engine is a Java application and requires the installation of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that supports deploying Java in a server environment. Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8 are all supported but Java 8 is recommended.

1. Installing Java

Download a 64-bit Java JDK or Server JRE from the Java SE Downloads page ( ) .

Follow the instructions to install your Java environment.

Validate that you've installed Java correctly by opening a Command Prompt window (Windows) or terminal window (OS X/Linux) and entering the command java --version.

2. Run the installer file to begin installation.

In Windows,

To install the Wowza Streaming Engineoftware on Windows operating systems, double-click the installer file (WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1.exe) and follow the instructions on the screen.

In Linux Systems,

Give executable permission to the installer file first,

chmod +x WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1.rpm.bin

Execute the installer file


The Linux package manager will extract the Wowza Streaming Engine software files to the /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1 directory and the server will be installed as the root user.

In OS X systems,

First mount the disk image by opening the "WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1.dmg" file then double click the installer package file (WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1.pkg) to start installation.
The files will be installed to the following locations

/Applications/Wowza Streaming Engine4.1.1




When you begin installation,

First read and agree the license terms. Then you will be asked to provide a username and password which can be used to sign in to the browser-based Wowza Streaming Engine manager.

Then you will be asked to provide the license key. Paste the license key you got from Wowza there.

When the installation completes,

Check whether the installation is working. You can check this by browsing to "http://[your server’s IP address]:1935".

You should see a single line of text listing the type of license you have installed on your server, like:

Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Trial Edition (Expires: Aug 16, 2015) 4.1.0 build12602

Managing the server services

In Windows, go to Services >> right click Wowza Streaming Engine 4.1.1 and then click start/stop. To start automatically when the server starts, click Properties >> on General tab set 'Startup type'.

In linux, /etc/init.d/WowzaStreamingEngine start/stop

In OS X, double-click the Start Services application in /Applications/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.1.1 or open a terminal window and enter the following command

sudo launchctl load-w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wowza.WowzaStreamingEngine.plist

Managing the server.

You can access the Streaming Engine Manager in a web browser with the following URL:


Where [wowza-ip-address] is the IP address or domain name of the local or remote Wowza server that you want to test.

Sign in to Wowza Streaming Engine Manager with the Administrator account that you created when you installed the Wowza Streaming Engine software.

Perform a streaming test

In Streaming Engine Manager, in the Test Video area of the Home page, click Test Players.

In the Test Players dialog box, click the tab for the streaming protocol that you want to test and click Start.

The test players for VOD applications are configured to play back the [install-dir]/content/sample.mp4 video file that's installed with the server software. The following figure shows the Adobe HDS test player streaming the sample video.

Create applications

To begin using Wowza Streaming Engine, you must create an application.

In Wowza Streaming Engine Manager, click the Applications tab and then click Add Application in the contents pane.

On the Add Application page, click the VOD Single server button to select that application type.

In the New Application dialog box, enter a name, such as myapplication, and then click Add. Click Save.

By default, the VOD Single server application can be played on Adobe Flash Player; Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch devices; Microsoft Silverlight; DASH players, and RTSP/RTP-based players.

To set up live streaming using an RTMP-based encoder refer the following articles:

I hope this article will help you to use your Wowza Streaming Engine to stream your videos.

Thank you ! .