Many time it happens that you get a call from your friend or family member or from a customer asking about a problem they are facing on their computer and they want to fix it. This post tell you that how you can fix such problems using Google Chrome Remote Desktop extension.
Following are the steps to install and work with Chrome Remote Desktop
1) Browse Chrome extension store using Google Chrome (if you don’t have Google Chrome please install it first)
Search for “Chrome Remote Desktop BETA” and open it
On “Chrome Remote Desktop” click on “Add to Chrome” button. A pop up will come asking for confirmation. Press “Install“.
2) Now you can launch the extension; if you are on extension page you can directly click on “Launch App” or open a new tab in Chrome and click the Chrome Remote Desktop BETA app.
3) While accessing application for first time on your system it will ask for authorization. Press “Continue“
4) Following screen will appear asking for confirmation (if you are not logged in your Google account; login prompt will come before this screen). Press “Allow Access“.
5) Now click on “Share This Computer” when following window will appear to share your computer screen with someone.
Allow sometime to chrome to generate a 12 digit access code for your computer (this code will be generated every time you will share your desktop)
Following screen will come which will show your 12 digit access code. Share this code with the person you want to share your desktop.
6) On another system follow step 1 to 4 to install and when you get “Share This Computer” screen click on “access a shared computer” below the button.
7) Enter the 12 Digit Access code of the shared computer
That's It you are now connected to Remote System.