Use encrypted passwords to automatically setup users using configuration management tools like Puppet or Ansible.
Install whois package.
$ sudo apt-get install whois
Encrypt password using DES algorithm with random salt.
It uses only the first 8 characters of the password.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=des
Encrypt password using DES algorithm with defined salt.
It uses only the first 8 characters of the password.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=des --salt="AA"
Encrypt password using MD5 algorithm with random salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=md5
Encrypt password using MD5 algorithm with defined salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=md5 --salt="UeUn9t3A"
Encrypt password using SHA256 algorithm with random salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=sha-256
Encrypt password using SHA256 algorithm with defined salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=sha-256 --salt="U7ReiUGcnY9yt3A1"
Encrypt password using SHA512 algorithm with random salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=sha-512
Encrypt password using SHA512 algorithm with defined salt.
$ printf "badpassword" | mkpasswd --stdin --method=sha-512 --salt="g3RYi6b0nk9y43Rl"