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Author Topic: Install OpenSSl  (Read 2333 times)

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Install OpenSSl
« on: August 04, 2018, 11:27:50 am »

 This document describes installation on all supported operating
 systems (the Unix/Linux family (which includes Mac OS/X), OpenVMS,
 and Windows).

 To install OpenSSL, you will need:

  * A make implementation
  * Perl 5 with core modules (please read NOTES.PERL)
  * The Perl module Text:: Template (please read NOTES.PERL)
  * an ANSI C compiler
  * a development environment in the form of development libraries and C
    header files
  * a supported operating system

 For additional platform-specific requirements, solutions to specific
 issues and other details, please read one of these:

  * NOTES.UNIX (any supported Unix like system)
  * NOTES.WIN (any supported Windows)
  * NOTES.DJGPP (DOS platform with DJGPP)
  * NOTES.ANDROID (obviously Android [NDK])

Quick Start

 If you want to just get on with it, do:

  on Unix (again, this includes Mac OS/X):

Code: [Select]
    $ ./config
    $ make
    $ make test
    $ make install

  on OpenVMS:

Code: [Select]
    $ @config
    $ mms
    $ mms test
    $ mms install

  on Windows (only pick one of the targets for configuration):

Code: [Select]
    $ perl Configure { VC-WIN32 | VC-WIN64A | VC-WIN64I | VC-CE }
    $ nmake
    $ nmake test
    $ nmake install

 If any of these steps fails, see section Installation in Detail below.

This will build and install OpenSSL in the default location, which is:

Unix:             normal installation directories under /usr/local
OpenVMS:    SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL-'version'...], where 'version' is the OpenSSL version number with underscores instead of periods.
Windows:      C:\Program Files\OpenSSL or C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL

If you want to install it anywhere else, run config like this:

  On Unix:

Code: [Select]
    $ ./config --prefix=/opt/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl
On OpenVMS:

Code: [Select]
    $ @config --prefix=PROGRAM:[INSTALLS] --openssldir=SYS$MANAGER:[OPENSSL]
Displaying configuration data

For more information about configuration data, please do:

Code: [Select]
       $ ./ --help                                or

Windows and VMS
Code: [Select]
       $ perl --help                     

Installation in Detail

Configure OpenSSL for your operation system automatically:

     NOTE: This is not available on Windows.

Code: [Select]
       $ ./config [[ options ]]                                or

Code: [Select]
       $ @config [[ options ]]                       
     For the remainder of this text, the Unix form will be used in all
     examples, please use the appropriate form for your platform.

     This guesses at your operating system (and compiler, if necessary) and
     configures OpenSSL based on this guess. Run ./config -t to see
     if it guessed correctly. If you want to use a different compiler, you
     are cross-compiling for another platform, or the ./config guess was
     wrong for other reasons, Configure OpenSSL manually.

On some systems, you can include debugging information as follows:

Code: [Select]
       $ ./config -d [[ options ]]
Configure OpenSSL for your operating system manually

     OpenSSL knows about a range of different operating system, hardware and
     compiler combinations. To see the ones it knows about, run

Code: [Select]
       $ ./Configure                                           or
All other platforms
Code: [Select]
       $ perl Configure                                 
     For the remainder of this text, the Unix form will be used in all
     examples, please use the appropriate form for your platform.

     Pick a suitable name from the list that matches your system. For most
     operating systems there is a choice between using "cc" or "gcc".  When
     you have identified your system (and if necessary compiler) use this name
     as the argument to Configure. For example, a "linux-elf" user would

Code: [Select]
       $ ./Configure linux-elf [[ options ]]
     If your system isn't listed, you will have to create a configuration
     file named Configurations/{{ something }}.conf and add the correct
     configuration for your system. See the available configs as examples
     and read Configurations/README and Configurations/ for
     more information.

     The generic configurations "cc" or "gcc" should usually work on 32 bit
     Unix-like systems.

     Configure creates a build file ("Makefile" on Unix, "makefile" on Windows
     and "descrip.mms" on OpenVMS) from a suitable template in Configurations,
     and defines various macros in include/openssl/opensslconf.h (generated from

Configure OpenSSL for building outside of the source tree.

     OpenSSL can be configured to build in a build directory separate from
     the directory with the source code.  It's done by placing yourself in
     some other directory and invoking the configuration commands from

     Unix example:
Code: [Select]
       $ mkdir /var/tmp/openssl-build
       $ cd /var/tmp/openssl-build
       $ /PATH/TO/OPENSSL/SOURCE/config [[ options ]]


Code: [Select]
       $ /PATH/TO/OPENSSL/SOURCE/Configure {{ target }} [[ options ]]
     OpenVMS example:

Code: [Select]
       $ set default sys$login:
       $ create/dir [.tmp.openssl-build]
       $ set default [.tmp.openssl-build]
       $ @[PATH.TO.OPENSSL.SOURCE]config [[ options ]]


Code: [Select]
       $ @[PATH.TO.OPENSSL.SOURCE]Configure {{ target }} [[ options ]]
     Windows example:

Code: [Select]
       $ C:
       $ mkdir \temp-openssl
       $ cd \temp-openssl
       $ perl d:\PATH\TO\OPENSSL\SOURCE\Configure {{ target }} [[ options ]]

     Paths can be relative just as well as absolute.  Configure will
     do its best to translate them to relative paths whenever possible.

Build OpenSSL by running:

Code: [Select]
       $ make                                           # Unix
       $ mms                                            ! (or mmk) OpenVMS
       $ nmake                                          # Windows

     This will build the OpenSSL libraries (libcrypto.a and libssl.a on
     Unix, corresponding on other platforms) and the OpenSSL binary
     ("openssl"). The libraries will be built in the top-level directory,
     and the binary will be in the "apps" subdirectory.


     If the build fails, look at the output.  There may be reasons
     for the failure that aren't problems in OpenSSL itself (like
     missing standard headers).

     If the build succeeded previously, but fails after a source or
     configuration change, it might be helpful to clean the build tree
     before attempting another build. Use this command:

Code: [Select]
       $ make clean                                     # Unix
       $ mms clean                                      ! (or mmk) OpenVMS
       $ nmake clean                                    # Windows

     Assembler error messages can sometimes be sidestepped by using the
     "no-asm" configuration option.

     Compiling parts of OpenSSL with gcc and others with the system
     compiler will result in unresolved symbols on some systems.

     If you are still having problems you can get help by sending an email
     to the openssl-users email list (see for details). If
     it is a bug with OpenSSL itself, please open an issue on GitHub, at Please review the existing
     ones first; maybe the bug was already reported or has already been

After a successful build, the libraries should be tested. Run:

Code: [Select]
       $ make test                                      # Unix
       $ mms test                                       ! OpenVMS
       $ nmake test                                     # Windows

     NOTE: you MUST run the tests from an unprivileged account (or
     disable your privileges temporarily if your platform allows it).

     If some tests fail, look at the output.  There may be reasons for
     the failure that isn't a problem in OpenSSL itself (like a
     malfunction with Perl).  You may want increased verbosity, that
     can be accomplished like this:
Code: [Select]
       $ make VERBOSE=1 test                            # Unix

       $ mms /macro=(VERBOSE=1) test                    ! OpenVMS

       $ nmake VERBOSE=1 test                           # Windows

     If you want to run just one or a few specific tests, you can use
     the make variable TESTS to specify them, like this:
Code: [Select]
       $ make TESTS='test_rsa test_dsa' test            # Unix
       $ mms/macro="TESTS=test_rsa test_dsa" test       ! OpenVMS
       $ nmake TESTS='test_rsa test_dsa' test           # Windows

     And of course, you can combine (Unix example shown):

       $ make VERBOSE=1 TESTS='test_rsa test_dsa' test

     You can find the list of available tests like this:
Code: [Select]
       $ make list-tests                                # Unix
       $ mms list-tests                                 ! OpenVMS
       $ nmake list-tests                               # Windows

     Have a look at the manual for the perl module Test::Harness to
     see what other HARNESS_* variables there are.

     If you find a problem with OpenSSL itself, try removing any
     compiler optimization flags from the CFLAGS line in Makefile and
     run "make clean; make" or corresponding.

     To report a bug please open an issue on GitHub, at

     For more details on how the make variables TESTS can be used,
     see section TESTS in Detail below.

If everything tests ok, install OpenSSL with

Code: [Select]
       $ make install                                   # Unix
       $ mms install                                    ! OpenVMS
       $ nmake install                                  # Windows

     This will install all the software components in this directory
     tree under PREFIX (the directory given with --prefix):


         bin/           Contains the openssl binary and a few other
                        utility scripts.
                        Contains the header files needed if you want
                        to build your own programs that use libcrypto
                        or libssl.
         lib            Contains the OpenSSL library files.
         lib/engines    Contains the OpenSSL dynamically loadable engines.

         share/man/man1 Contains the OpenSSL command line man-pages.
         share/man/man3 Contains the OpenSSL library calls man-pages.
         share/man/man5 Contains the OpenSSL configuration format man-pages.
         share/man/man7 Contains the OpenSSL other misc man-pages.

                        Contains the HTML rendition of the man-pages.

       OpenVMS ('arch' is replaced with the architecture name, "Alpha"
       or "ia64", 'sover' is replaced with the shared library version
       (0101 for 1.1), and 'pz' is replaced with the pointer size
       OpenSSL was built with):

         [.EXE.'arch']  Contains the openssl binary.
         [.EXE]         Contains a few utility scripts.
                        Contains the header files needed if you want
                        to build your own programs that use libcrypto
                        or libssl.
         [.LIB.'arch']  Contains the OpenSSL library files.
                        Contains the OpenSSL dynamically loadable engines.
         [.SYS$STARTUP] Contains startup, login and shutdown scripts.
                        These define appropriate logical names and
                        command symbols.
         [.SYSTEST]     Contains the installation verification procedure.
         [.HTML]        Contains the HTML rendition of the manual pages.

     Additionally, install will add the following directories under
     OPENSSLDIR (the directory given with --openssldir or its default)
     for you convenience:

         certs          Initially empty, this is the default location
                        for certificate files.
         private        Initially empty, this is the default location
                        for private key files.
         misc           Various scripts.

     Package builders who want to configure the library for standard
     locations, but have the package installed somewhere else so that
     it can easily be packaged, can use

Code: [Select]
       $ make DESTDIR=/tmp/package-root install         # Unix
       $ mms/macro="DESTDIR=TMP:[PACKAGE-ROOT]" install ! OpenVMS

     The specified destination directory will be prepended to all
     installation target paths.