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Linux => General Linux => Topic started by: jibinw on June 30, 2018, 11:07:16 am

Title: How To Install Webmin on CentOS 7
Post by: jibinw on June 30, 2018, 11:07:16 am
Introduction – A Web Based Control Tool

Webmin is a web control tool for UNIX (and other similar systems) which simplifies the management process. Normally, configuration and maintenance tasks require a lot of manual editing of text files, and the execution of command line tools, but with Webmin all these tasks can be performed through an easy to use web interface.

Some of the tasks Webmin can help with include:
Webmin has a modular design, which means that its functions are contained in modules that can generally be installed or removed independently from the rest of the program. The ACH module is responsible for managing some services and servers.

Webmin is a configuration and control tool that will read the configuration files already present on the system and update them directly.

This tutorial explains how to install Webmin on a server running Apache Web Server on top of CentOS 7.

Install Webmin

First, add the Webmin repository to the YUM repositories list. Create a new file:

Code: [Select]
# $EDITOR /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
In this file paste the following content:

Code: [Select]
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Save and exit.

Add the Webmin author’s key:

Code: [Select]
$ wget
# rpm --import jcameron-key.asc

Secure Connections with Let’s Encrypt

By default, Webmin is configured to use HTTPS by using a self-signed certificate. At this point, we need to replace this certificate with a valid one obtained from Let’s Encrypt.

With a web browser, go to During the first connection, the browser will signal an “Invalid SSL” error. This is due to the fact that Webmin is using a self-signed certificate that is not trusted. Allow an exception in order to continue replacing the certificate with the secure one.

Webmin will prompt a login screen. Here, sign in with “root” as the username and the current root password as the user.

After logging in, the browser will display the Webmin dashboard. First of all, set a hostname by clicking on the link to the right of System hostname. A new page will show up where it’s possible to change the Hostname, entering the FQDN into the correct field. Click on Save to apply the changes.

On the left bar, click on Webmin > Webmin Configuration. Click on SSL Encryption and open the Let’s Encrypt tab. In this tab, enter all the information required to secure the connections to Webmin with a valid certificate. Then, reload the page to use the new certificate.


At this point Webmin is correctly installed and running. Through its interface it is now possible to manage a UNIX-like system almost entirely without needing to manually edit text-only configuration files.
