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Author Topic: Compiling OpenDaVINCI on CentOS7  (Read 2396 times)

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Compiling OpenDaVINCI on CentOS7
« on: April 11, 2018, 08:05:06 pm »
Open Source Development Architecture for Virtual, Networked, and Cyber-Physical System Infrastructures ( OpenDaVINCI)

OpenDaVINCI is a lean realtime-capable software development and runtime environment written entirely in standard C++. OpenDaVINCI runs on a variety of POSIX-compatible OS and hardware platforms. And Windows.

1. Download and install CentOS 7 and install its latest package updates

Code: [Select]
$ sudo yum -y update
$ sudo yum -y upgrade

2. Install OpenDaVINCI dependencies

Code: [Select]
$ sudo yum -y install ant ant-junit automake boost-devel cmake freeglut-devel gcc gcc-c++ git python27 iproute make opencv-devel psmisc qt4-devel qwt5-qt4-devel kernel-devel wget
3. Clean up installation

Code: [Select]
$ sudo yum autoremove
$ sudo yum clean all

4. Clone the latest OpenDaVINCI sources from or download the latest OpenDaVINCI sources as zip file:

5. Create an installation folder

Code: [Select]
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/od && sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/od
6. Change to your source folder and create a build directory

Code: [Select]
$ cd OpenDaVINCI && mkdir build
7. Use cmake to create the build scripts for your build folder
Code: [Select]
$ cd build && cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/od
8. Build, run the tests, and install the OpenDaVINCI

Code: [Select]
$ make & make install
Thank you