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Author Topic: Script to check the number of connections the top connecting IP  (Read 2628 times)

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Handy script to check the number of connections the top connecting IPs have to the server.  To use, make it executable and then type ./ipcheck 80 for example to see the highest connecting IPs to port 80 and the number of connections.

Code: [Select]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#usage = ./ipcheck 80  (to check port 80)

use strict;
my $minimum    = 10;

my $check_port;
my $options;
my $newmin;

for (@ARGV) {
    $check_port = $1         if /^[\-]{0,2}p(?:ort)?=?(\d+)$/i       or /^[\-]{0,2}(\d+)$/   && !$check_port;
    $options    = '-'.lc($1) if /^[\-]{0,2}o(?:ption)?=?-?(\w+)$/i   or /^[\-]{0,2}-?(\D+)$/ && !$options;
    $newmin     = $1         if /^[\-]{0,2}m(?:in|inimum)?=?(\d+)$/i                         && !$newmin;

if (!$check_port or $check_port !~ /^\d+$/) {
    die "Check netstat for connections to target IPs and from source IPs. Find attacks, high usage accounts, etc.\n"
      . "Specify the port to check connections on/to, any netstat options (-n, -na, -pane, -planet, etc.\n"
      . "as well as specify the minimum simultaneous connection criteria for displaying the results.\n\n"
      . "Usage: $0 -pPORT [-oOPTIONS (defaults to -n)] [-min=N (defaults to $minimum minimum)]\n";

$options = '-n'    if !$options;
$minimum = $newmin if ($newmin && $newmin > 0);

chomp(my $hostname = `hostname`);

my %netstatt;
my %netstats;
my %domainips;
## Will modify $extra later to just be able to search for an IP, for all ports:
my $extra   = "| grep :$check_port";
my @netstat = `netstat $options $extra`;
my $target;
my $source;
my $port;

open(DI, "/etc/domainips");
while (<DI>) {
       my ($ip, $domain) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
       $domainips{$ip} = $domain;

foreach my $netstat (@netstat) {
     chomp $netstat;
                 $netstat =~ s!^\s+!!g;
     $netstat =~ s!\s+$!!g;
     $netstat =~ s!::ffff:!!g;
    ($target, $source) = (split(/\s+/, $netstat))[3,4];
     ($target, $port) = (split(/:/, $target))[0,1];
     next if ($port != $check_port);
     $source = (split(/:/, $source))[0];
     $netstatt{$target} = 1 if (!exists($netstatt{$target}));
     $netstats{$source} = 1 if (!exists($netstats{$source}));
     $netstatt{$target} = $netstatt{$target} +1 if ($netstatt{$target});
     $netstats{$source} = $netstats{$source} + 1 if ($netstats{$source});

print "\nConnections to port $check_port on $hostname\n(for minimum simultaneous connections $minimum).\n", '-' x 52;

my $ip;
my $num;
my $s;

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<< @<<<<< connection@<
$ip, '->', $num, $s

print "\nTarget IPs (connecting to):\n", '-' x 52, "\nResults:\n";
foreach my $resultt (reverse sort { $netstatt{$a} <=> $netstatt{$b} } (keys(%netstatt))) {
        if ($netstatt{$resultt} >= $minimum) {
                $s = ($netstatt{$resultt} == 1) ? '' : 's';
                $ip = printip($resultt);
                $num = ${netstatt{$resultt}};
                write STDOUT;

print '-' x 52, "\nSource IPs (connecting from):\n", '-' x 52, "\nResults:\n";
foreach my $results (reverse sort { $netstats{$a} <=> $netstats{$b} } (keys(%netstats))) {
        if ($netstats{$results} >= $minimum) {
                $s = ($netstats{$results} == 1) ? '' : 's';
                $ip = printip($results);
                $num = ${netstats{$results}};
                write STDOUT;

print '-' x 52, "\n";

sub printip {
    my $ip = shift;
    if ($ip eq "") {
        return "[no valid address]";
    } elsif (exists($domainips{$ip})) {
        return "$ip ($domainips{$ip})";
    } else {
        return "$ip";

Example result:

Code: [Select]
root@lion [~]# /tools/ipcheck 80

Connections to port 80 on
(for minimum simultaneous connections 10).
Target IPs (connecting to):
Results:                           ->  402    connections (             ->  10     connections
Source IPs (connecting from):
Results:                         ->  26     connections                         ->  25     connections                         ->  20     connections                          ->  15     connections                          ->  15     connections                           ->  14     connections                        ->  11     connections                           ->  10     connections

Thank you,