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Author Topic: Assign a dedicated IP to a Sub-domain,Add-on or Park domain  (Read 3165 times)

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Edit the subdomain related file under /var/cpanel/userdata/<username>/ directory.

# vi /var/cpanel/userdata/<username>/subdomain.domain.tld
Change the value of “IP” to a dedicated IP and save the file

Rebuild the Apache configuration for the changes to take affect
# /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf

Restart the Apache webserver
# service httpd restart

Add dedicated IP and sub-domain in the /etc/domainips
dedicatedIP: subdomain.domain.tld

Save the file and rebuild the IP pool
# /scripts/rebuildippool

Edit the DNS zone file, add an ‘A’ record for the sub-domain to point to the new IP
# vi /var/named/domain.tld.db

Save the file and restart the ‘named’ service
# service named restart