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Author Topic: Use of symbolic notations to find files based on permission  (Read 1463 times)

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Use of symbolic notations to find files based on permission
« on: December 16, 2017, 03:18:10 pm »
The following symbolic representations are being used.

 u -user,
g -group
o -others

The permissions can be specified using letters r (read), w (write), x (executable).

To find any file with group write permission, use the below command
#find -perm -g=w

To get details about all options please refer the man page by the command #man find
Use the below command to find files which are writable by either their owner or their group, run:
find -perm /u+w,g+w

Use the below command to find files which are writable by both their owner and their group:
find -perm /u+w,g+w