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Author Topic: HTTP to HTTPS redirection in IIS7  (Read 3209 times)

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HTTP to HTTPS redirection in IIS7
« on: July 15, 2017, 09:46:27 pm »
HTTP to HTTPS redirection in IIS7:

Redirecting all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS in IIS7 will make sure your users always access the site securely. By default, HTTP redirection is not available in IIS 7 and hence the procedure is carried out in 2 steps:
a. Setup HTTP redirection
b. Setup Redirect for Domain/URL

HTTP redirection can be setup on the IIS server by following the instructions below:

1. Rdesktop into your Windows server.
2. Click Start, then Administrative Tools, then 'Server Manager'.
3. In 'Server Manager' window, expand 'Roles', and then click 'Web Server (IIS)'.
4. In the Web Server (IIS) section, scroll down to the "Role Services" section, and then click 'Add Role Services'.
5. Expand "Common HTTP Features", select HTTP Redirection, and then click Next.
6. Click Install to proceed with the installation.

Once this is done, we will have to setup the URL redirect for the domain by following the below steps:

1. Click Start, Select 'Administrative Tools' and navigate to Internet Information Services (IIS).
2. Under the Connections tab, select the server.
3. Expand the Sites under the server and select the required domain name.
4. From the Menu, select 'HTTP Redirect' option.
5. Provide the new redirect URL in the standard https format.
6. Click on Apply to save the changes.

One this is done, the normal http configured domain will be redirected to the safe and secure https format.