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Author Topic: Windows Check Disk HOW TO  (Read 17832 times)

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Windows Check Disk HOW TO
« on: May 26, 2018, 10:24:10 pm »
This KB will cover how to schedule check disk under Windows Environment.


To keep Windows disk health.  periodically use the Check Disk tool to check the integrity of disks is suggested.  It will avoid any data corruption or Windows crash due to system files damage.

Method 1 - Schedule chkdsk via GUI (Windows 2008)

1. Open File Manager

2. Right click C: drive and select proprieties

3. Select Tools tab

4. Check Both box including
- Automatically fix file system errors
- Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors

5. Choose "Schedule disk Check" button to confirm

Note: Windows will scheduled Disk Check during next Windows Reboot.  Please note that full check disk may takes very longs. May be fews hours depending on how big the drive and how many files you have.

Method 2 (Windows 2008 & Windows 2012) - Schedule chkdsk via CLI

1. Open administrator mode command prompt

2. Run following command

chkdsk /f /r c:

3. Type "Y" and Enter to confirm

Note: Windows will scheduled Disk Check during next Windows Reboot.  Please note that full check disk may takes very longs. May be fews hours depending on how big the drive and how many files you have.

Additional Tips:

Open command prompt running as Administrator mode

a. Check does it already scheduled (Windows 2008)?

c:\>chkntfs c:

b. Verify is it have any dirty query in disk already?

C:\>fsutil dirty query c:

c. Cancel scheduled chkdsk task

C:\>chkntfs /x c:

d. For Windows 2012, it already prebuilt regular task called "ProActiveScan" that runs chkdsk /scan as a background task.

It will process chkdsk /scan will fix any minor errors that it can, right on the fly.

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