MyLittleAdmin is a Web-based tool for managing MSSQL databases like that phpMyAdmin. You must have to complete few steps before using MyLittleAdmin to manage your databases.
1) Go to https://[[ipaddress]]:8443, where [[ipaddress]] is you server's IP address.
2) Log in to Plesk using the user name admin and your server password.
3) In the Server Management section on the left, click Tools & Utilities.
4) In the Panel section, click Updates.
5) Enter your server password. The Login Name is already populated with NetworkAdmin.
6) Click Log in.
7) Click Add Components.
Select one of the following, and then select myLittleAdmin:
Windows 2003 Servers — MSSQL 2005
Windows 2008 Servers — MSSQL 2008
9)Click Continue (Please do not close the window while the installation completes. It can take up to 20 minutes).
Note:- You can now create MSSQL databases and database users within Parallels Plesk Panel. However, if you try to launch myLittleAdmin to manage any of those databases, you will get a 404 error until you finish configuring myLittleAdmin.
10) To Finish Configuring MSSQL and myLittleAdmin with Plesk 10 you need to login in to the VPS via RDP. From the Start menu, Select Run and type cmd, and then click OK.
11) Go to the:- cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin
12) Type the following, and then press Enter:
websrvmng.exe --reconfigure-sqladmin
13) Type the following, and then press Enter:
defpackagemng.exe --fix --type=sqladminMssql
Now, you can now launch myLittleAdmin by clicking Webadmin within Plesk.
Thank you,