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Author Topic: How to Reset admin password in Windows Plesk?  (Read 3297 times)

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How to Reset admin password in Windows Plesk?
« on: November 21, 2013, 03:10:07 am »

The Plesk admin password can simply be reset by login to VPS using RDP with following command:

Code: [Select]
Just run the command and it will ask for new admin password. If it also shows the message that Access denied/can’t connect to MySQL then:
  • Add parameter skip_grant_tables=1 into the [PleskSQLServer] section.
  • Restart service Plesk SQL Server.

The following command can be used to retrieve the Plesk admin password from the database to verify that the password has been successfully updated in Plesk system database:

Code: [Select]
%plesk_bin%\plesksrvclient.exe -get
If Plesk admin password is not updated, then we can manually update it by do the following steps:

  • Edit MySQL configuration file my.ini located within %plesk_dir%\mysql\data\.
  • Add parameter skip_grant_tables=1 into the [PleskSQLServer] section.
  • Restart service Plesk SQL Server.
  • Log into Plesk MySQL.
Code: [Select]
%plesk_dir%\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -P8306 mysql
  • Execute the following query:
Code: [Select]
mysql> update mysql.user set password=password(‘NEWPASSWORD’) where user=’admin’;
  • Remove skip_grant_tables=1 from within the [PleskSQLServer] section with %plesk_dir%\mysql\data\my.ini
  • Restart service Plesk SQL Server.
