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Author Topic: The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load  (Read 6378 times)

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Websites are not available after Plesk upgrade to 11.5.30 version on the Windows server.

While  Iam checking on the error log - Windows Event Viewer -> Application has errors with EventID 2280, I found the error:

The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load.  The data is the error.

Cause for the error is ,

C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll does not exists on the filesystem. It would also help to check the Event Viewer Logs (Windows Logs -> Application) to look for specific causes of failure before proceeding to troubleshoot any further.


Please check if rewrite.dll exists in the folder C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv. If the dll doesn't exist, you need to download a correct URL Rewrite Module version and install it .

Or you can try to repair the IIS Rewrite Module installation (run the downloaded .msi package and click Repair):

Download IIS Rewrite Module (x86)

Download IIS Rewrite Module (x64)

After solution will be applied retry to upgrade Plesk Panel again.

Thank you,