After migration to a new server, a website with remote Microsoft SQL database cannot be opened in a browser with an error:
The database could not be opened!
Check your config.asp file and set the strConnString so it points to the database.
Also check if strDBType is set to the right databasetype.
Code: 80004005
Error Description:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (PreLoginHandshake()).]General network error. Check your network documentation._
This error is due to config.asp file contains invalid IP mapping for the remote database server.
1. Locate config.asp in the domain document root "%plesk_vhosts%\domain.tld\httpdocs".
2. Open up the file for editing and find the string containing information on the remote database server IP. Example:
strConnString = "Provider=sqloledb;
Data Source=,1433;
Network Library=DBMSSOCN;
Initial Catalog=lotofus;
User ID=login;
3. Change the IP address to the proepr IP address of the database server.