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Author Topic: How to switch Plesk to Power User mode using command line interface  (Read 6533 times)

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    To better meet user needs, Plesk Panel offers two interface views: Service Provider and Power User. These views define what panels you use, what tools are present in these panels, and how the tools are organized.

Service Provider view.
    This view is convenient for HSPs as it is intended for selling hosting services. It has all the features required to create and manage customer accounts, subscriptions, and service plans. This view includes the Server Administration Panel and the Control Panel.

Power User view.
    This view is the best for power users - those who use Panel solely for personal needs, such as for maintaining a company portal or a mail server. In this view, both server administration and hosting services management take place in the Control Panel. As this view does not assume a reselling service to others is needed, it does not provide facilities for managing hosting plans, subscriptions, resellers, and customers. Also, as the server administration functions are included in the Control Panel in this view, the Server Administration Panel becomes unavailable.

You can change the Panel view any time from Tools & Settings > Interface Management.

In this article, we will see how to switch Plesk to Power User mode using command line interface. We can use poweruser utility to switch Plesk to Power User view and back.


1. Login to Plesk server via SSH.
2. To switch Plesk to Power User view type plesk bin poweruser --on.
3. To switch Plesk to Service Provider view type plesk bin poweruser --off.
4. To view help on the utility type plesk bin poweruser --help.

I hope this article is helpful to you.
Thank you  :)