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Author Topic: Unable to start MySQL because of lack of RAM: mysqld dead but subsys locked  (Read 6215 times)

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The following error is shown when querying the status of the service:

Code: [Select]
# service mysqld status
mysqld dead but subsys locked

it is required to remove /var/lock/subsys/mysqld file, free up some memory and start MySQL.

1. Log into the server via SSH

2. Remove /var/lock/subsys/mysqld file:

Code: [Select]
# rm -f /var/lock/subsys/mysqld
3. Check the amount of free memory with free -m command. In case there is more then 200M free, skip this step. In case amount of free memory is low, kill processes that consumes most of the memory. For example, stop the Apache temporary:

Code: [Select]
# service httpd stop
4. Try to start MySQL:

Code: [Select]
# service mysqld start
5. In case Apache is stopped on step 3, start it back:

Code: [Select]
# service httpd start