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Author Topic: How to enable the Apache mod_status module on a Plesk server (centos)  (Read 5336 times)

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The Status module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. A HTML page is presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form. If required this page can be made to automatically refresh (given a compatible browser). Another page gives a simple machine-readable list of the current server state.

1. Connect to a Plesk server via SSH.
2. Check if the "status_module" is loaded:
Code: [Select]
# httpd -M | grep status

It will show "status_module (shared)" if it is installed.

3. If not, navigate to Tools & Settings > Apache Web Server. to enable the module

4. To make status reports visible to IP address and localhost, add the below code to the Apache configuration file (create a new file, if there is no:

Code: [Select]
# vim  /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/status.conf
for Apache 2.2:

Code: [Select]
<IfModule mod_status.c>
    <Location /server-status>
        SetHandler server-status
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from localhost ip6-localhost
    ExtendedStatus On

for Apache 2.4:

Code: [Select]
<IfModule mod_status.c>
    <Location /server-status>
        SetHandler server-status
            Require local
            Require ip
    ExtendedStatus On

5. Restart Apache: