Admin-Ahead Community

Linux => Control Panels => Plesk => Topic started by: vinodt on January 10, 2014, 01:20:22 pm

Title: Script to list disk usage of all domains in Plesk
Post by: vinodt on January 10, 2014, 01:20:22 pm
if [ -d /var/www/vhosts ]; then echo -ne "\n\n=== WEBSITES ===\n"; cd /var/www/vhosts && du -ks --exclude='chroot' --exclude='default' * | sort -nr | cut -f2 | xargs du -sh; echo "[`ls --ignore='chroot' --ignore='default' | wc -l` Sites - Total `du -hs . | cut -f1`]"; fi;



Vinod T K