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Author Topic: FREE SSHD in Windows server  (Read 6560 times)

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FREE SSHD in Windows server
« on: November 17, 2013, 03:07:45 pm »
Step 1 – Installing copSSH

1) You’ve got copSSH – now go on and install it.
2) Install copSSH into the c:\SSH directory
3) Write down the SvcCOPSSH password – you will probably never need it – but just in case.
4) It will install and create a bunch of directories – (Aside: I have found that you don’t need to create a password on your Windows User account – it’s not necessary if you use the settings I have later)
Goto Start –> Programs –> copSSH –> Activate a User
5) You can only activate existing users on Windows – so you can choose Your Own Account or Administrator (or indeed another account but I’ve used the primary)
6) Uncheck the option – Create keys for public key authentication – we will do this ourselves.
7) Finish the Installation Process.

Step 2 – Setup copSSH
1) Open Windows Explorer – go into C:\SSH\etc and open BOTH your ssh_config and sshd_config in WordPad (Aside: Note – one has a “d” and one doesn’t – it’s an important difference)
2) ssh_config – Delete the # (pound) key next to “Port” and change this to something like 4837 (or whatever Port you want to use)
3) sshd_config – Delete the # (pound) key next to “Port” and change this the same as that in ssh_config – i.e. in this case 4837
4) sshd_config – Delete the # (pound) key next to MaxAuthTries and make this 2
5) sshd_config – Delete the # (pound) key next to RSAAuthentication & also next to the PubkeyAuthentication
6) sshd_config – Delete the # (pound) key next to PasswordAuthentication and make this no.
7) Save all the changes to ssh_config and sshd_config.
8) Open your Router IP Address (or however you access your router) and open the Port you are using – i.e. in this case 4837 (Aside: If you don’t know it – c:\cmd –> ipconfig /all – will tell you)
9) Save these Port changes in your router (& restart your router if needed)
10) Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Settings and create a rule which allows the Port you set in both ssh_config and sshd_config – in this case 4837 (also do this in your Firewall if your firewall requires it – maybe/maybe not)
11) Restart Your server

Thank you
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