Windows > Server Security & Hardening
Installing ezeelogin in Centos 6.x
Installing ezeelogin in Centos 6.x
Ezeelogin is a secure ssh gateway software that helps you configure your own custom linux based ssh jump host.
To install ezeelogin please follow the steps below
1. Install the dependency packages. Use the command below
yum -y install epel-release httpd openssl php php-mysql php-process php-common php-cli php-mcrypt bzip2 mod_ssl mysql mysql-server ; yum -y install php-mcrypt
service mysqld start
Set the root password with the command mysql_secure_installation
2. Install Ioncube Loader
1. Download the latest ioncube version from the site
tar -zxf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz && mv ioncube /usr/local
2. Identify the php version your are running
php -v
3. Edit the php configuration file.
php -i|grep -i 'loaded configuration file'
Add the ioncube loader for php version 5.3 in the configuration file
echo 'zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/' >> /etc/php.ini
4. Restart the webserver.
3. Download & Install ezeelogin ssh gateway
NB: Your firewall should allow outbound connection to on port 443 to fetch the license
Ensure SELINUX is disabled
Execute the following command as the root user on the server.
the above url is not the latest version. Get the latest link from the customer portal
4. Run sh ezlogin_7.x.x.bin and follow the prompts and the installation would complete without issues.
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