Windows > Server Security & Hardening

Restore a Nonauthoritative Active Directory in Server 2012 R2


Hi All,

There is a nonauthoritative restore of Active Directory  is a default restore mode to Active Directory and then updated by authoritative versions of the AD database running on other domain controllers.

Login to the Domain Controllers that you want to restore with a domain administrator account:

Step1 : Open command prompt by the PowerShell icon on the Desktop / taskbar / Start screen.

Step2:  In console window, type bcdedit /set safeboot dsrepair

Step3: Reboot the server and it will start in Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM). It can also done by the command prompt by entering shutdown -t 0 –r

Step4: The username for DSRM is administrator. If the server is booted in safe mode, this will be displayed on the desktop.

Step5: Open the PowerShell console, type wbadmin getversions to view available backups

Step6: type wbadmin start systemstaterecovery –version:(enter backup date and time)

step7: To restore enter the confirmation as YES

After the completion of restoration  reboot the server

and login back with the DSRM login credentials.

Step8: Open the Powershell and type the following bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot

Step9: Type  shutdown –t 0 –r to restart the server back to DC.

Thanks  :)


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