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Author Topic: How to reset a VM administrator password in Hyper-V  (Read 19503 times)

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How to reset a VM administrator password in Hyper-V
« on: October 30, 2013, 10:38:03 pm »

Hyper-V is a good Virtualization which can be used for creating VMs with Windows OS. But if you forgot the Administrator password of a VM, there is no shortcut to reset it from the Hyper-V manager from node. So some people rebuild the OS but we can be tricky by reset it using Ultimate Boot Disk.

There are two major steps in the whole procedure. First of all you needed to boot the VM with Ultimate Boot Disk ISO (ubcd.iso). Then reset password in the newly loaded ISO Interface. Here I am explaining in detail with steps.

1, Download the ubcd.iso from the following location to a preferable location of your Hyper-V node. Use the following link to download iso

2, Now launch the hyper-V manager now. Select the VM you want to reset the password. Right click on it and click on "settings"

In the settings action pane, Select the Image file (ubcd.ISO) under IDE controller 1 section.
Click on BIOS section and make sure that you have changed the boot priority higher for CD.
Click on "APPLY" to save your changes.

Now the first section is over and reboot the VM from Hyper-V manager. Click "Connect" for the VM to access its console. Follow the steps to get your password reset using UBCD.

1, You will have the UBCD interface when booted up the VM. Select the HDD section.

2, Open Data Recovery

3, Open Offline Password and Registry editor

4,  Press enter to boot

5, Press 2 and press enter

6, If asks "Do you wish to force it" Then enter "y" without quotas and press enter.

7, Press enter.

8, Press 1 for password reset.

9, Press 1 for "edit user data and passwords"

10, By default "Administrator" will be selected or you just type Administrator
     press 1 to clear password
     press ! to quit
     press q to quit

11, Once you have changed or cleared Administrator password
     press y to save
     press n to new run

Final step

Now close the console. Go to the Hyper-V manager revert the boot priority to IDE. Then reboot the VM.

Now get into the server with Blank Password. You can set password for your windows machine freom control panel >> Users and accounts (The conventional way to set password for windows)