Windows > Virtualization
Enable Hyper-V Manager in Windows 2012 After the Installation
Here is how we can enable Hyper-V manager in Windows 2012
1. After the Installation of Windows there will appear a prompt asking to setup server manager, click the “Add roles and features” link.
2. That will bring up the “Add Roles and Features Wizard” window. Just click “Next” to continue.
3. In the next screen, choose Role-based feature-based installation and click “Next”.
4. Choose “Select a server from the server pool”, then highlight your server and click “Next”.
5. In the “Select server roles” screen, locate “Hyper-V” from the Roles list and check the box next to it.
6. To add Hyper-V, the system will also ask you to install the Administration tools for Hyper-V. Click “Add Features” to continue.
7. Once Hyper-V is selected in the “Select server roles” screen, click “Next” to continue.
8. If you like to add more roles or features, you can do so now. Otherwise, just click “Next”.
9. In the next few screens, you will need to configure the Hyper-V. Click “Next” to start Hyper-V configuration.
10. Select the Network interface you like to bind to a Virtual Switch you are going to create.
11. In the next screen, If you are planning to use Live Migration in this setup you can select that, or else we can skip this and click next.
12. Now, you need to define the default directories for the virtual hard disks as well as the virtual machine configuration. To accept the default settings, just click “Next”, otherwise, change the directory before you click the “Next” button.
13. You are at the confirmation screen. Click “Install” to start the installation process. You can check the box next to “Restart the destination server automatically if required” if you like the server to reboot after the installation.
14. Once the installation is done, you can click to “Close” button to exit the installer. If you check the reboot box in the previous screen, the server will reboot by itself. If you did not check the box, you will need to reboot the server manually to finish the installation.
15. Once the server is rebooted, you can access the Hyper-V Manager from the Metro interface of the server.
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