Linux > Virtualization
Common Virtuozzo Commands
Common Virtuozzo Commands
vzctl Utility to control Containers.
vzctl enter <ctid>
vzlist Utility to view a list of Containers existing on the Node with additional information.
vzlist -a This will list all ip in the server
vzquota Utility to control Virtuozzo disk quotas.
vzlicview Utility to show the Virtuozzo license status and parameters.
vzlicload Virtuozzo license loader.
vzlicload -p <product key>
vzmigrate Utility for migrating Containers to another Hardware Node.
vzmlocal Utility for the local cloning or moving of the Containers.
vzp2v Utility for migrating physical servers to Containers on the Hardware Node.
vzmigrate --online 192.168.*.* 102:1002 , ct 102 is migrated to the server 192.168.*.* 102 with ID 1002.
vzabackup Utility to back up Containers and to store them either on a local Node or on a special Backup Node.
vzabackup <source_node_name> [-e CTID_list]
vzarestore Utility to restore Containers backed up by using the vzabackup utility.
vzarestore <-e CTID_list> [<storage_node_name>]
vzvssctl Utility to suspend and resume the Container activity during the backup operation.
vzpkgls Utility to get a list of templates available on the Hardware Node and in Containers.
vzpkgdeploy Utility to install/remove OS and application templates on/from the Hardware Node.
vzpkgadd Utility to add a new application template to a Container.
vzpkgrm Utility to remove a template from a Container.
vzsveinstall Utility to create the Service Container on the Hardware Node.
vzkeygen Utility to show the Hardware Node ID.
vzcache Utility to cache common files across Containers.
vzlscache Utility to list the directories created by vzcache.
vzuncache Utility to detach a Container from its cache and copy the cached files back to the Container private area.
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