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Author Topic: How to create a new Virtuozzo Container  (Read 4969 times)

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How to create a new Virtuozzo Container
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:26:50 am »
How to create a new Virtuozzo Container

The following steps will walk you through setting up a new container on a Virtuozzo server, if you are not familiar with a command line interface

Step 1:
Check the list of containers on your host:

Code: [Select]
# vzlist -a
1 96 running 67.219.*.* ServiceCT
6646 55 running 216.36.*.*

Step 2:
Create a container with an open ID#. In this example we will use 6648.

Code: [Select]
# vzctl create 6648 –ostemplate centos-5-x86
Creating Container private area (centos-5-x86)
Container is mounted
Post create action done
Container is unmounted
Container private area created
Container registered successfully

Code: [Select]
# vzlist -a
1 96 running 67.219.*.* ServiceCT
6646 55 running 216.36.*.*
6648 – stopped – –

Immediately after creation the VZ will be in the stopped state. If you are not sure what packages are installed you can use the vzpkgls command, this will show you a listing of installed virtuozzo OS and Application packages on the server. In our example we used a red hat template, but Virtuozzo will support several different OS’s including RedHat, CentOS, Debian, Fedora Core, and SuSe.

Step 3:
Review the default configuration and make changes if necessary for the container:

Code: [Select]
# less /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts/6648.conf
Step 4:
Add parameters necessary for managing the Container:

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –ipadd 216.36.*.* –hostname –save
Hostname for Container set:
Adding IP address(es) to pool: 216.36.*.*
Adding IP address(es): 216.36.*.*
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –diskspace 10G –save
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Adding RAM memory 2GB to the container:

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –physpages 262144 –save
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –privvmpages 262144 –save
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –oomguarpages 262144 –save
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Code: [Select]
# vzctl set 6648 –vmguarpages 262144 –save
Saved parameters for Container 6648

Step 5:
Start the container:

Code: [Select]
# vzctl start 6648
Starting Container …
Container is mounted
Setting devperms 20002 dev 0x7d00
Adding port redirection to Container(1): 4643 8443
Adding IP address(es) to pool:
Adding IP address(es): 216.36.*.*
Hostname for Container set:
Configure meminfo: 393216
Container start in progress…

Step 6:
Install yum packages to the container:

Code: [Select]
# vzpkg install 6648 -p yum

Loading “rpm2vzrpm” plugin
Cleaning up xml metadata
16 metadata files removed

Loading “rpm2vzrpm” plugin
Making cache files for all metadata files.
This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer
Setting up repositories

Code: [Select]
# vzctl enter 6648
entered into Container 6648
-bash-3.2# hostname
-bash-3.2# hostname -i

This concludes basic setup of a new Virtuozzo Container via the command line
