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Author Topic: Virtuozzo Backup Error: 307 Message processing was terminated because timeout  (Read 4169 times)

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Sometime whenever a user tries to take backup from Virtuozzo Power Panel or Parallels Power panel it gets failed and action logs shows following Error

“#307 Message processing was terminated because timeout was reached waiting for a response“

The above error shows that the timeout limit which is set in the Virtuozzo Configuration for backup has been reached and the backup was not completed during that time frame. To increase Virtuozzo backup Timeout limit

1) Open file “/etc/sysconfig/vzagent/vzagent.conf“

2) Search For key word “backup” and Change it

Code: [Select]
< timeouts >
< backup >3600< / backup >
< search >3600< / search >
< / timeouts >
< timeouts >
< backup >18000< / backup >
< search >3600< / search >
< / timeouts >

By deafult the limit which is set is 3600 seconds which is 1 Hour; Change it to the limit as per your requirement, here I have set it 18000 seconds which is near about 5 hours.

3) To apply this setting, restart service VE on the Host server. Service VE can be restarted using command “vzctl restart 1” (This will restart vzagent on the host)

Now try to take backup from “Virtuozzo Power Panel or Parallels Power panel”