Linux > Virtualization

Installing Alternative PHP Cache (APC) on Server


Installing APC on your Virtual Private Server

The APC-Alternative PHP Cache is a free, open, and robust framework that is responsible for caching and optimization of PHP.

Steps to Install APC on your web server:

Step i – You must be logged in as root to proceed with installing APC on your server

Step ii – You must then download the APC

--- Code: --- wget
--- End code ---

eg : wget

Step iii – Having done that, you are then required to extract it over your Web Hosting UK server:

--- Code: ---   tar -xzf APC-3.0.15.tgz

    cd APC*
--- End code ---

Step iv – Look for the PHP location by running the below command :

--- Code: ---which php

--- End code ---
You must remember the location displayed in the result.

Step v – Now you need to proceed with creating the configuration files using the below command :

--- Code: ---    phpize
--- End code ---

Step vi – Now the APC need to be compiled over the server :

--- Code: ---  ./configure –enable-apc –enable-apc-mmap –with-apxs –with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config
    make install
--- End code ---

Note : You must install the APC in the php.ini file

Step vii – Run the below command to find the php.ini over the server :

--- Code: ---php -i | grep php.ini
--- End code ---

Step viii – Amend php.ini by adding APC extension, as stated below :

--- Code: --- vi /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini
--- End code ---

Step ix – Add the following to the php.ini file :

--- Code: ---apc.shm_segments=1
--- End code ---

Step x – Finally, you must restart Apache using the below command :

--- Code: --- service httpd restart
--- End code ---

Thank you,


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