Linux > Virtualization

Installing Git


Git is an alternative source code management tool that you may want to use instead of Subversion

Things to consider:

1.Your server may already have it installed, so check before you get started by executing ‘which git’.

2. Depending on the version of CentOS installed on your server, you may be able to install via yum:

#yum install git

Be sure you’ve configured your server to use the Rpmforge Repository

Then do

1. yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install xmlto curl curl-devel

# check for the latest version at

2. wget

3. tar xvzf git-*.tar.gz

4. cd git-*

5. make configure

6. ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-tcltk

7. make all

8. make install


If you get this error while installing the curl-devel package:

#Error: Missing Dependency: libidn = 0.4.6-1.2.el5.rf is needed by package libidn-devel

Then you may have a newer version of libidn which is stopping it from being installed. To solve this, remove libidn and try again.

#yum remove libidn

That is it.  8)


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