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Author Topic: Create an Email Account on Webmin Control panel.  (Read 17441 times)

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Create an Email Account on Webmin Control panel.
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:04:11 pm »
Create an Email Account on Webmin Control panel.

1. From the left-side Menu, click “System” and then click on “Users and Groups”
2. Click on “Create a new user” link
3. Fill in the form with appropriate information. For this article’s purposes we will use the username: demouser. The following ones are recommended to be filled-in:

- Username (if you want to have an email address , set the username’s value to linux)
- User ID: leave it automatic
- Real Name: required only for you to identify each account from the list
- Home Directory: Click “Directory” and set it to: /home/ where is what you set in the Username field
- Shell: Leave it as it is
- Password: click the “Normal password” and type your desired password (it will be encrypted on save/exit)

You will see few more settings/fields on the same form. You may fill them in if you like. However, the above mentioned fields are those required to have a valid e-mail account created.

4. Now click the “Create” button and you are done!

Now you have to assign this user in send mail configuration.

Adding user to mail :

Click on  Servers
Click on  Sendmail Configuration
Address Mapping (linux)
Fill the following fields: Mail for Address
Send to Address username – Click Create

Stop and Start Sendmail.