Virtual directories are good concepts for hosting an application or website. This will look like a sub directory of your mail website but actually, It could have been on another location in your server.
For example, If you create a directory called "Admin" at anywhere in your server and if you are creating a Virtual Directory, Then you can load that directory as
http://domain.com/admin/ though it is not residing under the Document root of the website
http://domain.com/You follow the steps to create Virtual directory.
1, Log in to website panel
2, Click on websites
3, Select the website that you want to create Virtual directory for.
4, click “Virtual Dirs” tab
5, To create a new virtual directory click "Create Directory" button
6, Specify virtual directory name and select its root folder. Click "Create Directory" button to finish the wizard.
When directory is created you will be redirected to the screen with its properties
These properties will look like very similar to that of websites but using different web.config etc.