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Author Topic: 500.19 internal server error Cannot read configuration file  (Read 3596 times)

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500.19 internal server error Cannot read configuration file
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:28:55 pm »
You may receive this error on website:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Config Error Cannot read configuration file

Config File \\?\D:\Websites\hosting-username\\wwwroot\web.config

The error means IIS cannot read configuration file web.config under wwwroot folder.

When you add hosting account for a domain, websitepanel create 3 folders wwwroot, data, logs under folder.

Website files must be uploaded to wwwroot folder.

IIS cannot read configuration file either because you remove wwwroot folder or "Network Service" read permission on wwwroot folder is missing.

Please follow steps below to fix the error:

+ Login WebsitePanel, navigate to hosting space

+ Select File Manager -> go to check if wwwroot folder exists

+ If wwwroot folder does not exist, recreate wwwroot folder.

+ Click Lock icon next to wwwroot folder to apply read & write permission for Network Service.
