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Linux Server Security & Hardening
Linux Server Security Audit & Hardening
* Securing Control Panel if present
* Apache Hardening
* Implement suPHP, Suhosin, Mod_security, Mod_Evasive
* PHP Hardening
* Install rootkit scanner and clamav and set cronjob for daily scanning
* Secure Bind service
* Implement CSF or APF firewall
* Secure SSH service
* Zend Optimizer Installation
* Host.conf and Sysctl Hardening
* Secure TMP directory
* Disable anonymous access as well as upload and enable sftp only (optional)
* RBL protection
* Brute Force Detection and Evasion using iptable rules
* Implement Fail2ban
* Apply password policy
* Lock down system compilers
* Turn off unused services and daemons
* Enable the HotLink Protection
* Kernel update if necessary
* TCP/IP Hardening
* Logwatch setup
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