In this Post, we will go through a known issue with Parallels Plesk 10. Sometimes we won’t be able to access
Webadmin from the control Panel.
This is a known issue in Parallels Plesk 1 0. Parallels says this is because some ASP component wasn’t installed in IIS, and its necessary to Webadmin.
Fix : Install the ASP component by following these steps :
1. Login to the server via Remote Desktop
2. Access Commad Prompt (Run -> cmd)
3. Execute the commands in the order :
C:\>cd %plesk_bin% (this will change to the Plesk bin directory)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>defpackagemng –fix–type=sqladminmssql
Extra References : defpackagemng.exe (Default package Manager) is an executable from the software Plesk for Windows version. defpackagemng.exe version is most commonly found under the directory “bin”.